Price : Too low to display Bargains Crock-Pot 3735-WN 3-1/2-Quart Slow Cooker for Sale
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Discount 2011 Price of Crock-Pot 3735-WN 3-1/2-Quart Slow Cooker now!
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Crock-Pot 3735-WN 3-1/2-Quart Slow Cooker : Specification
- 3-1/2-Quart oval-shaped slow cooker from the original Crock Pot makers
- Removable stoneware crock features rinse-clean lifetime stick resistant coating
- 3 Knob settings: off, low, and high
- Wraparound heat cooks evenly; no stirring or supervision needed
- 1-Year warranty
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Information and Prices at :Feb 29, 2012 08:28:39
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