Price : Too low to display Inexpensive Hamilton Beach 33163 Stay or Go 6 qt. Slow Cooker New Release
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Get 2011 Price of Hamilton Beach 33163 Stay or Go 6 qt. Slow Cooker now!
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Hamilton Beach 33163 Stay or Go 6 qt. Slow Cooker : Spec
- Clip-tight lid locks on to prevent messy spills
- Large, full-grip handles make carrying easier
- Convenient lid rest keeps lid out of way for stirring and serving
- Dishwasher safe stoneware and lid
- Party recipes included, Bonus travel case included
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Information and Prices at :Feb 07, 2012 01:31:17
Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product.
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